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Top Tips To Give Your Cat The Very Best

Dogs may be man’s best friend, but cats can make pretty great pets too. Whether your cat is aloof or appreciates a good snuggle, a cat can be a wonderful companion. However, cats aren’t always easy to care for. Here are a few tips on getting the most out of your cat.

If your cat is a female, you’ll want to spay her once she reaches the proper age. Even if you have an indoor female cat, if it escapes when it’s in heat it could get you a bunch of kittens you weren’t planning on having. Having your cat spayed helps to control the pet population and will save you time and trouble.

Give your new cat some space. Moving to a new home can be stressful on a cat, especially one who is no longer a kitten. To help them adjust, give them a quiet place that they can call their own, such as a spare bathroom or laundry room. This gives them a safe space they can retreat to until they have become comfortable with exploring the whole house. Depending on the cat, this process may take a few days up to a month or more.

Cats love to much on grass and plants such as catnip. There are plants however that are poisonous to cats. Chrysanthemums and holly are beautiful and common around the Holidays, but can be very toxic to cats. Other plants that are toxic or lethal include lilies, rhubarb and daffodils.

Male cats may develop crystals in the urine, which usually occur as a result of a poor diet. It is painful for your cat to pass these crystals and the cost to have this treated by a vet is high. Choose a cat food low in magnesium. Consult the ingredient list. Poultry products will tend to have lower amounts than seafood based products.

When training a cat, take the proper approach. Encouragement works better than anger. If you are trying to teach a kitten to use a litterbox, for instance, yelling will only frighten a small cat. When the cat starts to go outside the box, gently place them in the box so they learn.

Let your cat exercise their hunting instinct. Cats are natural born hunters; however, this does not mean you need to allow mice to invade your home. Hide treats and toys throughout your home, and your cat will have a blast hunting down their treats. You can also find feather and laser toys that your cat can chase and pounce on.

While children should help with the care and responsibilities of a cat, leave the litterbox duties to the grownups or older children. A cat’s litterbox can carry diseases and parasites. Since younger children may not follow proper handwashing procedures, this job is better left to those older and more responsible.

Do you own both a dog and a cat? Dogs often take advantage of dining on the cat’s food. Therefore, your cat’s food bowl should be placed in a high location that is out of your dog’s reach. This also makes sure that the two don’t fight over water.

When bringing a new kitten home, take it slow. It is tempting for children to want to play with the new addition to your home immediately. But the young cat will likely be scared. Give the cat time to acclimate itself to your home and to get comfortable with everyone.

Don’t stress yourself out about instructing your cat on proper litter box usage. This is something that comes naturally and is not learned. Don’t try to force them into the litter box by rubbing their paws or face in it.

To make sure your kitten is properly socialized to humans, begin early in his life, about ten to twelve weeks of age. Be sure that he is handled and petted by humans in his family and by others as well. When he is older, he will be a calmer, friendlier cat.

If you have more than one cat, you should have as many litter boxes as you have cats. If too many cats have to share the same litter box, it can mean disaster! The cats may choose not to share their eliminating space, instead, using other areas, such as clean laundry or hidden corners of the home to do their business.

Cats’ curiosity often puts them in risky situations. Something as simple as a necklace, window pull, or phone cords can cause your pet to become injured or even killed. These items should be bound securely so that they are not a source of temptation for your inquisitive pet. Many childproofing aids work just as well for your kitten.

Entertain your cat with simple “toys” made from household objects. Many cats enjoy exploring boxes, such as those that hold 12-packs, small appliances, or other products. Before allowing your pet to play with a box, you should be sure that the animal cannot get stuck in small openings or tight spaces. This would be dangerous and very frightening to your pet!

There is no need to bathe a cat since they are able to do most of their cleaning by themselves. The only way that you should bathe a cat is if there is something on their coat that has not come off for a good length of time, like oil and chemicals.

Living with cats can be frustrating, but it can also be fantastic. Thanks to this article, you should have a lot of ideas on how to better care for your pet. Dog lovers may get more slobbery kisses, but cats are wonderful in their own way. These suggestions will help you appreciate yours.


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